1st Grade Science Curriculum (2024)

1st Grade Science Curriculum (1)

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Children have an innate curiosity about the world around them. From the moment they can crawl and communicate, they begin to use their five senses to explore everything around them as they ask questions to learn more. In a way, children are natural born scientists.

A first grade science curriculum should quench that thirst for knowledge as students learn foundational science skills, take part in hands-on activities, and make real world connections. Introducing students to science during the early elementary years helps prepare them for more advanced science concepts that they will learn in the years to follow.

What Concepts Do You Teach in First Grade Science?

First graders should be learning fundamentals skills in topics like physical science, life science, and Earth science. Students should also learn the importance of observation, note taking, and communicating information, all essential skills that they will put to use as they continue to learn more advanced science concepts throughout the years.

Since science standards vary by state, be sure to inquire about what your state’s specific homeschool laws are as they pertain to first grade science. Generally, a first grade science curriculum should teach the following:

  • Life science (plants, animals, habitats)
  • Classification of animals and different animal habitats
  • Distinguishing between living and nonliving things
  • Earth and space science (solar system and beyond)
  • States of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
  • Type of light energy; the characteristic of sound energy (pitch, volume, etc.)
  • Earth/space science including the water cycle and weather
  • The different parts and functions of plants

First Grade Science Objectives

A first grade science curriculum should reteach and expand on what students learned in kindergarten, teach more advanced concepts on those topics, and introduce new material.

An effective first grade science curriculum will also give students the opportunity to make real life connections with what they are studying.

Below is a general overview of the science objectives for first grade.

  • Distinguish between the states of matter and how they can change
  • Ask scientific questions, observe using their senses, create hypothesis, draw conclusions, share data
  • Distinguish between living and nonliving things
  • Understand the water cycle, weather patterns, and seasons
  • Identify the different parts and functions of plants
  • Classify animals and the different habitats they live in

Time4Learning’s First Grade Science Lesson Plans

Chapter 1: Inquiry

Science Tools

Tools are used to collect information. Some tools, like rulers, are used to measure or to find out how big something is. Other tools, like hand lenses, are used to observe and study things carefully. This module introduces students to the different types of tools used in science and how they help us study the world around us.

Chapter 2: Physical Science

States of Matter

Tools are used to collect information. Some tools, like rulers, are used to measure or to find out how big something is. Other tools, like hand lenses, are used to observe and study things carefully. This module introduces students to the different types of tools used in science and how they help us study the world around us.

Materials and Mixtures

Everything around us is made up of something, often a collection of different things. This module guides students as they begin to identify the different materials everyday objects are made of–specifically wood, plastic, metal and cloth–and how mixtures can be made by combining different objects and materials.

Light Energy

Light energy is energy that can be seen and used to see the matter around us. It can be man-made or natural, like the light from the sun. In this module students are introduced to the characteristics and properties of light energy, its uses, and various sources of man-made and natural light.

Sound Energy

Sound energy is energy that can be heard, but only when matter is present to carry the vibration. This module introduces students to the properties and characteristics of sound energy, how it is generated, and why sounds are different.


Magnets of all shapes, sizes and strength are used every day – holding up art projects on the fridge, sorting debris in landfills, and keeping high fashion jewelry fastened. In this module students explore the characteristics of magnets and the different materials they attract.

Chapter 3: Life Science


Giant redwood trees, soft green blades of grass, bright tulips blooming in spring — plants are living things. This module introduces students to the world of plants as they discover that the needs of plants are much like their own needs.

Chapter 4: Earth/Space


Whether rainy, sunny, cloudy, or windy, the weather describes what it’s like outside every day. Knowing the patterns of weather can help you to be prepared. In this module students explore the different types of weather and the tools needed to observe, measure and record it.

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Why Choose Time4Learning First Grade Science Homeschool Curriculum

The Time4Learning first grade science curriculum teaches students through interactive lessons and activities, printable worksheets, and more. With a simple-to-follow format that builds on previous material, students will be able to build a strong science foundation as they learn about the physical world around them, Earth, plant and animal life, the scientific process, and more.

First graders will learn about the water cycle, plants, insects and are introduced to some basic elements, helping them to understand the world around them better.

Time4Learning can help your student achieve all their first grade science goals with our flexible, student-paced curriculum, interactive lessons, and printable worksheets that make learning fun. In addition to providing an award-winning curriculum for students, Time4Learning also offers convenient tools for parents that help you save time and homeschool with confidence.

Learn more about our online first grade homeschool curriculum, designed to help your child learn and master their fundamental concepts.

1st Grade Science Curriculum (2024)


What science should my 1st grader know? ›

Generally, a first grade science curriculum should teach the following: Life science (plants, animals, habitats) Classification of animals and different animal habitats. Distinguishing between living and nonliving things.

What is the most popular homeschool science curriculum? ›

Apologia's K-12 homeschool science curriculum has been voted #1 by the homeschool community. Our curriculum is written in a conversational tone to help students learn to speak comfortably about a topic, as well as gain the ability to explain scientific concepts in their own words.

How many hours a day should a 1st grade homeschool? ›

Typically, two hours a day is more than enough. Some homeschoolers find that their children learn more effectively when they break their lessons up into 15-20 minute increments since it keeps them engaged and better focused.

How to teach science to grade 1? ›

Tips for Teaching Science to Early Elementary Students (Grades K-...
  1. Give visual examples whenever possible. ...
  2. Do experiments that allow students to taste, smell, and touch. ...
  3. Explain science vocabulary. ...
  4. Move from concrete to abstract concepts. ...
  5. Encourage students to use a science notebook.

What should kids know by the end of 1st-grade? ›

Education experts say that, by the end of first grade, a student can count, read, write and sequence numbers up to 100. They also learn how to compare numbers using the symbols for greater than, less than and equal.

What are the topics of grade 1 in science? ›

The Grade 1 Science course looks at different habitats and the animals that live in them, how animals' needs are met, how animals change, and how they differ from each other. The course also investigates weather and the natural resources of the earth.

What is the hardest school curriculum in the world? ›

Here are some of the toughest education systems in the world:
CountryEducation System StructureCountry's Toughest Exam
South Korea6-3-3-4Suneung
Singapore6-6-(3)-3GCE A-Level
6 more rows
Jan 15, 2024

What states are hardest to homeschool in? ›

New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island are the states with the highest level of regulation for homeschooling. These states all require you to give notice to the state that you intend to homeschool your child or student.

What is an effective science curriculum? ›

At the core of effective K-12 science curriculum lies the integration of inquiry-based learning, hands-on activities, and alignment with state and national standards.

Is 2 hours homeschooling enough? ›

The findings in the Duvall studies suggest that, in as little as 2 hours, homeschoolers can engage in the same amount of strategic learning behavior as public-school students experience in an entire school day.

How much homework is normal for a first grader? ›

The most common guideline is the 10-minute rule, which states that a child should have about ten minutes of homework per night for each grade they are in. With this rule, a first-grader would average 10 minutes of homework, a second grader would have 20 minutes per night, and so on.

How many minutes should a first grader read at home? ›

When it comes to practicing their reading skills, first graders on average should be reading at least 10 minutes every day. This might not seem like a lot of time but even just 10 minutes of reading time can help make a massive improvement in their reading skills.

What science is taught in 1st grade? ›

Learns new facts about a variety of topics including: the human body, ocean and sea life, animals, measurement, electricity and magnetism, sound, and matter (the difference between solids, gases and liquids).

What do first graders learn in science worksheets? ›

Our grade 1 science worksheets introduce concepts related to life sciences (plants, animals and our bodies), earth science (weather, the environment and patterns of the earth sun and moon) and the physical sciences (forces and motion, energy, sound and light, properties of materials and simple machines).

What are the science words for grade 1? ›

Words included: organism, space, piedmont, coastal, plain, mountain, water, light, air, animal, plant, environment, needs, living, earth, food, humans, arrangement, shelter, habitat, common, similar, different, amount, breath, pond, ocean, lake, forest…

What is science for kids 1st-grade? ›

Our grade 1 science worksheets introduce concepts related to life sciences (plants, animals and our bodies), earth science (weather, the environment and patterns of the earth sun and moon) and the physical sciences (forces and motion, energy, sound and light, properties of materials and simple machines).

What is a good science project for a first grader? ›

The Magic Milk Experiment is our top pick among all the 1st grade science projects! It's magical for first graders to see that without stirring, the different colors of food coloring are in perpetual motion. It's also a simple chemical reaction experiment to set up with milk, dish soap, and food coloring.

What is 1st-grade physical science? ›

CA.1. Physical Sciences: Materials come in different forms (states), including solids, liquids, and gases. As a basis for understanding this concept: 1.a. Students know solids, liquids, and gases have different properties.

What a child should learn in 1st-grade? ›

A first grader should have a basic understanding of numbers, letters, and simple reading skills. Social skills like sharing, listening, and following instructions are also important.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.