Compare the Best Mortgage Rates Today - July 9, 2024 (2024)

A 15-year mortgage is a fixed-rate loan to pay for a home purchase. The monthly payment, which includes principal and interest, remains the same throughout the lifetime of the mortgage. It is paid off in half the time of a traditional 30-year mortgage. The shorter repayment period and the higher monthly payments result in a savings of thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan although monthly payments are higher compared to longer-term mortgage loans.

A 15-year mortgage is a smart option for borrowers who want to save money on interest and can afford larger monthly payments without compromising their other financial goals and responsibilities.

For instance, a borrower who can't take out a 15-year mortgage without sacrificing regular contributions to a savings account and a retirement fund should probably stick to a longer-term mortgage. A 20-year term can offer a happy medium.

For borrowers who have variable or sporadic incomes, a 15-year mortgage makes sense only if there is a realistic plan to make the mortgage payment through the lean periods.

Loan TypePurchaseRefinance
10-Year Fixed5.81%7.48%

What is a 10-Year Mortgage

A 10-year mortgage is the shortest fixed-rate loan available for a home purchase. As with longer-term mortgage loans, the monthly payment remains the same throughout the lifetime of the mortgage. It is paid off in one-third of the time of a traditional 30-year mortgage. The abbreviated period results in much lower interest being paid over the life of the loan but involves higher monthly payments vs. longer-term mortgage loans.

The major benefit of taking out a 10-year fixed-rate mortgage is that homeowners can pay off their loans much faster than other loan terms. Since rates may be lower than a 20- or 30-year term and because homeowners are making fewer payments, borrowers will save the most money on interest with a 10-year term. Plus, homeowners will be able to build equity much faster.

Who Should Consider a 10-Year Mortgage?

Homeowners who want to pay off their mortgage quickly and have the means to pay the large monthly payment should consider a 10-year mortgage. Also, since lenders may view these types of borrowers as more high-risk (since you’ll need to pay more each month), you’ll most likely need to have an excellent credit profile to qualify.

A 10-year home loan is also best for those who want to refinance their mortgage and have been paying down their existing loan for a while. For instance, those who have close to 10 years until they’re mortgage-free may not want to refinance to a loan with a longer term. That is, unless you’re looking to refinance to a longer term to lower payments—keep in mind you’ll end up paying more in interest in the long run if you go with the longer loan term.

Trends in Mortgage Rates: Are They Rising or Falling?

Trends in mortgage rates are influenced by complex factors, such as the Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy, employment rate, the Consumer Price Index, and the yields of 10-year treasury bonds. Mortgage rates are not directly tied to any of these factors but are indirectly influenced by their current levels and consensus predictions on how they will trend in the near future.

Mortgage rates have risen significantly since the Federal Reserve began raising thefederal funds rate in March of 2022. Since then, the Fed funds rate has risen by 525 basis points but has remained steady over the Fed's last three rate-setting meetings. However, mortgage rates are not directly tied to the movement of the Fed funds rate. They are determined by complex factors like interactions in the government bond market, specifically involving the yield on 10-year treasury bonds, Fed monetary policy in funding government-backed mortgages, and competitive factors among mortgage lenders.

So, it is impossible to say if mortgage rates will continue to rise, remain steady, or even begin to fall at any given point. Mortgage rates reached highs in October 2023, though, and the Fed's monetary policy to address stubborn but declining inflation into 2024 will likely influence rates, if only indirectly.

The Fed has maintained the federal funds rate at its current level since July 2023, with a seventh consecutive rate hold announced on June 12. Although inflation has moderated considerably, it is still above the Fed's target level of 2%. Until the central bank feels confident inflation is falling sufficiently and sustainably, it has said it's hesitant to start cutting rates.

The Fed will hold five more meetings in 2024, the next of which is scheduled to conclude on July 31.

What Is a Mortgage and How Does It Work?

A mortgage is a type of loan used to purchase or maintain a home, land, or other types of real estate. The borrower agrees to pay thelenderover time, typically in a series of regular payments divided intoprincipalandinterest. The property then serves ascollateralto secure the loan.

Individuals and businesses use mortgages to buy real estate without paying the entire purchase price upfront. The borrower repays the loan plus interest over a specified number of years until they own the propertyfree and clear. Most traditional mortgages arefully amortizing. This means that the regular payment required will stay the same, but different proportions of principal vs. interest will be paid over the life of the loan with each payment. Typical mortgage terms are for 30 or 15 years.

Types of Mortgages

There are numerous types of mortgages in the mortgage market, including those from private mortgage lenders as well as government-backed loan programs that purchase, guarantee, and securitize mortgages in the secondary mortgage market like those by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), known as FHA loans, or the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae).

A conventional mortgage can be fixed-rate with terms varying from 10 to 30 years or an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) with terms up to 10 years. Jumbo mortgage loans that exceed the Federal Housing Finance Agency's conforming loan limit of $766,550 for 2024 cannot be purchased, guaranteed, or securitized by Fannie Mae or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac). Jumbo loans offer the same fixed and variable rate terms as conventional mortgage loans, though their interest rates are typically lower.

Mortgage Options for First Time Homebuyers

While most mortgage originations occur in the private market, government-backed mortgages occupy an important niche and provide access to first-time homebuyers and borrowers who could not otherwise qualify or afford the terms of traditional mortgages.

Government-backed loans like FHA loans, state FHA loans, USDA loans (USDA guaranteed loans), and VA loans (backed by the Department of Veteran Affairs) can offer significant advantages to qualifying borrowers, including lower interest, longer terms, and a lower percentage of down payment (or no down payment) compared to conventional loans. For these types of loans with lower down payment options, the borrower can be required to acquire private mortgage insurance (PMI).

The Difference Between Interest Rate and APR

The advertised rate or nominal interest rate for a loan, whether for a mortgage, personal loan, or credit card, is the basic cost of borrowing the principal stated as a percentage. The annual percentage rate (APR), reflected as a percentage, is the total cost of the loan, including the fees and all other costs associated with the loan, in this case, a mortgage loan, such as the origination fee and discount points.

The APR, therefore, almost always calculates to a higher interest rate than the nominal interest rate since fees and other costs are factored into the rate, including the interest rate.

Example of the Difference Between Interest Rate and APR
Loan Amount$500,000
Interest Rate7.00%
Origination Fee1% ($5,000)
Discount Points1 ($5,000)
Total Fees$10,000

How Are Mortgage Rates Set?

Mortgage rates are set based on a few factors, economic forces being one of them. For instance, lenders look at the prime rate—the lowest rate banks offer for loans—which typically follows trends set by the Federal Reserve’s federal funds rate, currently set at a range of 5.25% - 5.50%. Fed Funds rates are typically stated in this type of range, which varies that rate by 0.25 percent.

The 10-year Treasury bond yield can also reveal market trends. If the bond yield increases, mortgage rates tend to go up, and vice versa. The 10-year Treasury yield is usually the best standard to judge mortgage rates. That’s because many mortgages are refinanced or paid off after 10 years, even if the norm is a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage loan.

Factors that the borrower can control are their credit score and the home equity that will be created by the down payment amount. Since a lender sets rates based on the risk they may take, borrowers who are less creditworthy or have a lower down payment amount may be quoted higher rates. In other words, the lower the risk, the lower the rate for the borrower.

What Is a Good Mortgage Rate?

A good mortgage rate, which is usually represented as the lowest available rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage, will depend on the borrower. Lenders will advertise the lowest rate offered but yours will depend on factors like your credit history, income, other debts, and your down payment. For instance, a good mortgage rate for someone who has a low credit score tends to be higher than for someone who has a higher credit score.

It’s important to understand what will affect your individual rate and work towards optimizing your finances so you can receive the most competitive rate based on your financial situation.

How to Get the Best Mortgage Rates

There are several things to keep in mind when shopping for mortgage rates to ensure you get the best deal:

  1. Know your credit score.
  2. Estimate how much down payment you can make using our mortgage calculator.
  3. Estimate how long you plan to stay in your home.
  4. Determine the best type and term of mortgage, whether fixed-rate or variable-rate, that is most affordable based on the factors above.
  5. Use our rate table to help you identify whether lenders are offering you a competitive rate based on your credit profile.
  6. Avoid opening new types of credit accounts like credit cards or personal loans before applying for a mortgage, as these can temporarily lower your credit score.

How Do I Qualify for Better Mortgage Rates?

Qualifying for better mortgage rates can help you save money, potentially tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the loan. Here are a few ways you can ensure you find the most competitive rate possible:

  • Raise your credit score: A borrower's credit score is a major factor in determining mortgage rates. The higher the credit score, the more likely a borrower can get a lower rate. It's a good idea to check your credit score to see how you can improve it, whether that's by making on-time payments or disputing errors on your credit report.
  • Increase your down payment: Most lenders offer lower mortgage rates for those who make a larger down payment. This will depend on the type of mortgage you apply for, but sometimes, putting down at least 20% could get you more attractive rates.
  • Lower your debt-to-income ratio: Also called DTI, your debt-to-income ratio looks at the total of your monthly debt obligations and divides it by your gross income. Usually, lenders don't want a DTI of 43% or higher, as that may indicate that you may have challenges meeting your monthly obligations as a borrower, as adding a mortgage payment could potentially put you underwater. The lower your DTI, the less risky you will appear to the lender, which will be reflected in a lower interest rate.

How to Apply for a Mortgage

A mortgage application is made through a lender such as a bank, credit union, or mortgage company and involves providing extensive information including:

  • Borrower details
  • Borrower’s address, marital status, and dependents
  • The type of credit being applied for, meaning whether it’s a joint or individual application
  • Social Security number and date of birth
  • Current employer and address, as well as employment income
  • Financial data
  • Assets include bank accounts, retirement accounts, certificates of deposit, savings accounts, and brokerage accounts for stocks or bonds
  • Liabilities include revolving credit, such as credit cards or store charge cards, and installment loans, such as student, car, and personal loans
  • Any other real estate owned and its estimated value or rental income, if applicable
  • Property and loan request details
  • Address of the property
  • The loan amount, and the type of loan, such as a purchase or refinance
  • Any rental income from the property or if you are buying the home as an investment to generate rental income
  • Declarations
  • Whether the home be your primary residence or your second home
  • Determine if there are any judgments, lawsuits, or liens against you or the home being purchased
  • If the borrower has had any past foreclosures or is currently the guarantor for another loan

How to Refinance Your Mortgage

The process for refinancing a mortgage is similar to getting a purchase mortgage in that it entails shopping for rates and loan terms based on your credit score and completing an application. Instead of obtaining an appraisal on the property being initially purchased a new appraisal is required on the home you are refinancing. Also, unlike a new purchase mortgage, refinancing does not require a down payment. Mortgage refinancing does involve closing costs, so it's important to project a breakeven point with these costs measured against your potential savings when rates drop enough to consider refinancing your mortgage to determine if it makes financial sense.

Below are the steps involved in refinancing a mortgage:

  • Check your credit
  • Decide the type of loan you want
  • Compare lender's rates and terms
  • Apply for the loan
  • Finalize terms and lock in the rate
  • Pay off your old mortgage with your new loan


If you're ready to pursue a mortgage, you can use our ranking of the best mortgage lenders to assess your options.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Is a Mortgage Rate?

A mortgage rate is the amount of interest determined by a lender to be charged on a mortgage. These rates can be fixed—meaning the rate is set based on a benchmark rate—for the duration of the borrower’s mortgage term, as in the case of a 15-year fixed rate mortgage, or variable based on the mortgage terms and current rates. The rate is one of the key factors for borrowers when seeking home financing options since it’ll affect their monthly payments and how much they’ll pay throughout the lifetime of the loan.

How Big of a Mortgage Can I Afford?

In general, homeowners can afford a mortgage that’s two to two-and-a-half times their annual gross income. For instance, if you earn $80,000 a year, you can afford a mortgage from $160,000 to $200,000. Keep in mind that this is a general guideline, and you need to look at additional factors when determining how much you can afford, such as your lifestyle and your attitudes and habits around personal finance. Your lender will determine what it thinks you can afford based on your income, debts, assets, and liabilities. Using a mortgage calculator can be helpful in this situation to help you figure out how you can comfortably afford a mortgage payment.

What Are Mortgage Points?

Also known as discount points, this is a one-time fee, or prepaid interest borrowers purchase to lower the interest rate for their mortgage. Discount points equate to percentage points - so, one discount point costs 1% of your mortgage amount, or $1,000 for every $100,000, and will lower the rate by a quarter of a percent, or 0.25.

Another option for a reduced-rate mortgage is through a 2-1 buydown mortgage, which entails a low rate in the first year, a somewhat higher rate in the second year, and then the regular mortgage rate for the remaining term of the mortgage.

Will Mortgage Rates Go Down in 2024?

Mortgage rates should begin to trend downward later in 2024 if the Federal Reserve lowers the Fed funds rate at any of its remaining meetings this year, as it signaled that it may do if inflation can be sustainably moderated, i.e. moving in the direction of the 2% target level. The Fed kept rates in place at its most recent meeting on June 12, however.

How Much Will I Need for a Down Payment?

The minimum you’ll need to put down will depend on the type of mortgage. Many lenders require a minimum of 5% to 20%, whereas others like government-backed ones require at least 3.5%. The VA loan is the exception with no down payment requirements.

Generally, the higher your down payment, the lower your rate may be. Homeowners who put down at least 20% will be able to save the most.

What Is the Best Way to Get the Lowest Mortgage Rate?

The best way to ensure you qualify for the lowest mortgage rate is to know and optimize your credit score by keeping your debt to income level as low as possible, preferably below 28%, and not applying for any other types of loans in the six months preceding any mortgage applications, paying all your bills on time and making sure there are no mistakes on your credit report.

Making a down payment of at least 20% on conventional loans (keeping your loan-to-value at least 80%) is also an important factor in qualifying for good mortgage interest rates. Then, shopping around with different types of lenders, both online and with brick-and-mortar financial institutions in your area, will also help to secure the lowest possible rate.

What Banks Have the Best Mortgage Rates Right Now?

Bank of America has some of the lowest mortgage rates among big banks right now but many banks and credit unions have competitive rates in local markets around the country so borrowers should do their homework before committing to a mortgage. We rank Bank of America as the best big bank mortgage lender because they offer multiple loan options for low- and middle-income borrowers, have a massive branch network across all 50 states, and offer loans with down payments as low as 0% - 3%.When comparing rates on bank and mortgage lender websites it's important to note that many quote rates that involve the purchase of discount points. The rates that Investopedia tracks do not involve discount points.

Why You Should Trust Us

Investopedia collects the best rates on actual closed mortgages through a third-party data provider from more than 200 companies every business day to identify the most competitive rates and terms in the nation as well as in the states in which our readers reside. Investopedia launched in 1999, and has been helping readers find the best mortgage rates since 2021.

How We Track the Best Mortgage Rates

To assess mortgage rates, we first needed to create a credit profile. This profile included a credit score ranging from 700 to 760 with a property loan-to-value ratio (LTV) of 80%. With this profile, we averaged the lowest rates offered by more than 200 of the nation’s top lenders. These rates represent what real consumers will see when shopping for a mortgage.

The same credit profile was used for the best state rates map. We then found the lowest rate currently offered by a surveyed lender in that state.

Remember that mortgage rates may change daily, and this average rate data is intended for informational purposes only. A person’s personal credit and income profile will be the deciding factors in what loan rates and terms they can get. Loan rates do not include amounts for taxes or insurance premiums, and individual lender terms will apply.

Your Guide to Mortgage Rates

  • What Is a Mortgage?
  • Mortgage Calculator
  • How to Apply for a Mortgage
  • How to Find the Best Mortgage Rates
  • How to Choose a Mortgage
  • Best Jumbo Mortgage Rates
  • Best Mortgage Refinance Companies
Compare the Best Mortgage Rates Today - July 9, 2024 (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.