Seattle Public Schools 2022-23 Calendar (2025)

1. [PDF] 2024-2025 School Year Calendar - Seattle Public Schools

  • 8 okt 2022 · Su. M. T. W. T. F. S. Su. M. T. W. T. F. S. 8/27, 8/28, 8/29, 9/3 TRI Days. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31. 9/2. Holiday - Labor Day.

2. [PDF] Approval of the 2021-22 and 2022-23 School Year Calendars

  • This Board Action Report allows the School Board to establish the dates for when the school year starts and ends, which is required by state law.

3. Calendar - Shoreline School District 412

  • Printable Calendars. PDF calendars of important dates for the school year, which include bell times for full, early release, and half days. 2024-25 ...

  • Calendar - Shoreline School District 412

4. Highline Public Schools Calendar

5. Seattle School Holidays in 2024 (Full List) - Edarabia

  • Schools in Seattle start classes on September 5th and end classes on June 20th. The academic year is divided into semesters, quarters, or trimesters.

  • Seattle School Holidays in 2024 / National Holidays / Government Holidays / Official Academic Holidays as per Department of Education / Download & Print

Seattle School Holidays in 2024 (Full List) - Edarabia

6. District Calendar - Renton School District 403

  • Printable Calendars (PDFs) · Start and Dismissal Times.

  • District Calendar - Renton School District 403

7. Puyallup School District: Home

  • A Brouillet Elementary Kindergarten Student during the 2022-23 school year. New Student Online Enrollment for 2024-25 School Year Opens Feb. 1. Jan 11 2024.

  • The Puyallup School District is the sixth largest district in the state of Washington, serving a population of approximately 144,030 residents. The district is located six miles east of Tacoma, 30 miles south of Seattle, and is situated in the heart of the Puyallup Valley.

Puyallup School District: Home

8. Calendar - Edmonds School District

  • Calendar & Category Legend: Edmonds School District Events; Edmonds School District School Year Calendar; Edmonds Visual & Performing Arts ...

  • Calendar - Edmonds School District

9. CALENDAR - Federal Way School District

  • Download the School Year Calendars. 2023-24; 2024-25; 2025-26. Federal Way Public Schools · Federal Way. Public Schools. 33330 8th Avenue S. Federal Way. WA.

  • CALENDAR - Federal Way School District

10. Calendar - Mercer Island School District 400

  • MISD Calendar ; Sun, · 30 ; Mon, · 1 ; Tue, · 2 ; Wed, · 3 ; Thu, · 4.

  • Calendar - Mercer Island School District 400

11. Calendar - Seattle Academy

  • Seattle Academy School Main Calendar. ... Since Seattle Academy was founded, the arts have played a central role in our school's identity.

  • Seattle Academy School Main Calendar

Seattle Public Schools 2022-23 Calendar (2025)


What is the first day of school for Seattle Public Schools? ›

September 4 First day of school for 1st – 12th grade students. Sept. 4 is not an early release Wednesday. Early release will occur every Wednesday except for the first week of school.

What month does school start in Washington? ›

Wednesday, September 4 – First day of school (first day of school for 1st – 7th and 9th graders). Thursday, September 5-Friday, September 6 - All students except students in kindergarten, Transition to Kindergarten and developmental preschool attend school.

How many school days are there in Seattle? ›

As part of the basic education requirements in Washington state, each local education agency (LEA*) must make a minimum of 180 school days available to students each school year.

What time do Seattle schools get out? ›

SchoolStart and End TimesEarly Release Wednesday
View Ridge8:55 a.m. – 3:25 p.m.8:55 a.m. – 2:10 p.m.
Viewlands7:55 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.7:55 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.
Wedgwood7:55 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.7:55 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.
West Seattle7:55 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.7:55 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.
59 more rows

What is the first year of school in WA? ›

In Western Australia, children can start their education in Kindergarten, however compulsory schooling starts the following year in Pre-primary and continues until the end of Year 12. All children of compulsory school age must be enrolled in school and attend every day - that is the law.

When can kids start school in Washington? ›

According to Washington State school attendance rules, a child must be five years old by August 31 to attend kindergarten.

Is kindergarten full day in Washington? ›

All kindergarten classes are all day classes. The state of Washington requires that school districts provide the option of kindergarten part-day attendance.

How many hours is a school day in Washington state? ›

(b) Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, the minimum hours for all grades are 27 hours and 45 minutes each week (1,665 weekly minutes), or 5 hours and 33 minutes (333 minutes) for each scheduled school day.

How long is a school day in WA? ›

at a public school in a primary program is to be provided: – at least 25 hours and 50 minutes instruction during each week in which the school is open for instruction; and – at least 4 hours and 10 minutes instruction during each day in which the school is open for instruction.

What state has the shortest school year? ›

What State Has the Fewest Required School Days? Besides the states that do not have a required minimum number of school days each year, Colorado has the fewest required school days in the United States, at 160.

What state has 4 day school week? ›

Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado have had four-day schools for a long time. They are a more recent addition in places like Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Missouri. The states are gatekeepers in a way, mandating a minimum number of instructional days or hours.

What is the largest school district in WA state? ›

Seattle Public Schools, the largest K-12 school system in Washington state, has a deep commitment to every student's journey—to ensure that each student will graduate ready for college, career and life.

What is the birthday cutoff for school in Seattle? ›

Washington state and Seattle Public School legally require that students entering kindergarten in the fall must have turned five (5) years of age on or before August 31 of the enrollment year.

What grades are public schools in Seattle? ›

The District shall employ a uniform eleven-point weighted grading system at the high school level, awarding the following marks: A , A- , B+ , B , B- , C+ , C , C- , D+ , D , E , A “D” mark is the lowest passing grade; an “E” mark indicates failure.

How are schools assigned in Seattle? ›

An attendance area school is one to which elementary, middle and high-school students are assigned based on where they live, as long as the school offers the services the student needs. This dataset is maintained by Seattle Public Schools.

What time does West Seattle Elementary school start? ›

School Hours: 7:55 a.m. - 2:25 p.m.

How many public high schools are there in Seattle? ›

Seattle Public Schools contains 21 high schools. For personalized and effective admissions consulting,consider

What is PowerSchool Seattle public schools? ›

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) uses the PowerSchool product as its Student Information System (SIS) to manage, track and report on student information including data on student demographics, classes, attendance, grades, credits, transcripts, etc.

How many school days does Washington State have? ›

In Washington state, a traditional school year lasts 180 days. Students have a few short breaks along the way and a long break in the summer.


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.